Thursday, March 11, 2010

That Overwhelmed Feeling

I keep a list of books I would like to read.  These are books suggested to me, books I've heard of and found interesting, books that concern the genre I write in, or are writing books in general.  I have almost filled 2 red Moleskine notebooks worth of books.

The other day, after checking 8 books out from the library and crossing them off my list, I got really overwhelmed with how many are still on my list.

There are just too many books.  Even if I stop reading all the crappy ones at page 50 (if I can tell they're crappy by then, read my last book review) I won't be able to get through them all.  And there are more books being written every day, released every month.  I tried to think of solutions to my overwhelmed problem.  I could stop writing down books I want to read, but I that would probably stress me out more.  I could nothing else but read, but I'm not sure how my husband or baby would feel about that.

Do you have a solution to my problem?


Heidi Noel said...

Nope, I have the same problem. I have decided to get through the library books I have and then read what is on my shelf before getting more. That;s the best I can do for my situation. I am also a bit more choosy than you.

pambelina said...

I'm choosy. Just in a different way.

Grandma Bailey said...

You will find that you become more choosy and in an even different way as you get older. I know people that will only read books by certain publishing companies or only Church books, etc. I think that is too limiting. I am getting so I feel guilty when I read a Harlequin romance but sometimes you need that. It is like reading a 'comic book' when you are a kid. You have to a release that just pampers your soul but it can't be your whole diet. I choose books according to how I feel. Currently with all of our dark and wet weather, I am reading books based in the South that are bright and fun.