Sunday, March 28, 2010

Book Review #23

Book: Belle by Cameron Dokey
Age-range: 8 and up
Recommended: Yes

Yet another book in the Once Upon a Time series, this time a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast.  This book was VERY similar to another Beauty and the Beast re-telling I've read, but I can't remember what one it was.  My chief complaint of the story is there is not enough time spent with the Beast.  You don't even meet him until three-fourths through the book and that's just not right.  There is also a complete lack of roses in the main story and that was disappointing too.  But other than that...

This was the story of a youngest daughter named Belle with two older sisters who are beautiful with a capital B.  Her father is a merchant and he loves her best.  One interesting thing about this story is the fact that Belle carves wood.  I've never seen a female fairy tale protagonist who carved wood before, but I liked it.  Anyway, Belle's family moves from the city to the country and her father ends up getting lost in a storm and meets the Beast.  Unlike other stories, he doesn't take anything that doesn't rightfully belong to him, but he still ends up having to make the bargain with the Beast that Belle will come back in his place.

And you know the rest.  But you don't read fairy tale re-tellings for the surprise ending, you read them for a new journey to your favorite destination: happily ever after.


Heidi Noel said...

It reminded me a lot of Beauty by Robin McKinley, but it took longer to get to the Beast. I enjoyed it, but not fabulous.

pambelina said...

That's probably the book I was thinking of, Beauty by Robin McKinley. Although, I don't really remembering liking her version of the tale either.