Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book Review #20

Book: Beauty Sleep by Cameron Dokey
Age-range: 8 and up
Recommended: Yes

Yet another book in the Once Upon a Time series.  I think I enjoy reading these because I know I can get through them quickly and they almost always give me good story ideas as I'm reading (not directly related to the book, but inspiration for the stories I'm working on).  I was able to finish this one in a matter of hours as I was flying to Pittsburgh today.

If you couldn't guess from the title this is a re-telling of Sleeping Beauty.  While there were parts that were incredibly predictable, for the most part it was an amazing take on the tale.  I didn't feel there were loose ends or quick endings, the way there are in other books in this series.

All in all, it was excellent.  Happy reading!


Heidi Noel said...

Have you read The Thirteenth Princess? I saw it in a book store today and thought of you. Her older sisters are the 12 dancing princesses.

pambelina said...

It's on my list of books to read. It's pretty new . I think it only came out this year, didn't it?