Monday, June 20, 2011

June Book Review #5

Book: A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine
Age-range: 8 and up

I always make a point of reading Ms. Levine's books when they come out. She has yet to disappoint me! I feel this most recent book is accessible for a younger audience than Ella Enchanted or Ever, but not necessarily as young as her Pixie Hollow books.

The protagonist is a girl named Elodie (similar to my middle name, Eloie) who leaves home to become an apprentice to the stage. Things don't turn out as she planned and she ends up an assistant to a dragon. Then she and the dragon are caught up in a mystery involving the king, the princess, and the ogre.

This is quite different from Ms. Levine's previous books, and while it won't replace Ella Enchanted as my favorite, it was really quite cute.

Happy reading!

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