Saturday, June 18, 2011

June Book Review #4

Book: Lady of Devices by Shelley Adina
Age-range: 10 and up

Shelley Adina is another awesome chick I was able to take classes from at Seton Hill University. This novel marked my first foray into steampunk fiction. And what a way to start! This book is set in the early 1900s and concerns the fortunes both monetary and educational of a girl named Claire.

There are several things Ms. Adina does really well in this book: descriptions of the clothing are amazing; the voices of each of the characters just jump off the page, and the way she makes Victorian life feel so accessible.

There are only two bad things: the second book won't come out until next year (boo!) and it's only available (for now) for download on Kindle. It is very reasonably priced at $2.99 and I was so into the story that I spent most of my vacation reading it instead of trying to take the edge off of my paleness. So worth it!

Happy reading!

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