Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Bookmark Conundrum

I don't have an e-reader of any sort.  I still read books the old-fashioned way.  When I read I usually don't bother marking my place; I can almost always remember exactly where I left off.  Lately, however, this has not been the case.

So I am searching for a way to mark my place.  I don't want to spend $5 on a bookmark I will probably lose anyway (why not just mark your book with a $5 bill?) and I don't like the ones that grip the page by magnet or other means because they rip the pages when I pull them off.  My biggest problem is that I need a place to put the place marker while I'm reading - someplace I won't lose it.  I've been marking my current book with a bobby pin and then sticking it in my hair when I read.  Unfortunately, my son caught onto this and now steals the bobby pin out of my book.

Any ideas for a bookmark for me?


Heidi Noel said...

If I need a bookmark I usually use a square of toilet paper. Yep, fancy. It is the only one I don't get upset if it gets lost and has other uses, too. ;)

Grandma Bailey said...

I use to use a post-it note or a post-it flag. When you were little, I wouldn't leave anything hanging out but I could see where the colored post-it paper was. Otherwise you guys would rip my pages. It was my only way of marking my place until I found my most favorite bookmarks (the ones that marke the sentence your are one). Similar to a paper clip or a bobby pin - they don't stick out but lay flush to the page. The only problem with these is I forget to pull them out and I sometimes lose them in the library. However they know me so well that they are now saving them for me. I am building my collection back up again.

Katherine said...

I just use whatever flat type of thing happens to be laying around. Frequently it's an old envelope, sometimes it's an appointment reminder card or even a bill (which I don't recommend). I either stick it halfway under my butt while I'm sitting or laying down or I stick it in a later page of the book, only sometimes I forget I put it there and I'll start reading at that spot.

Annemarie said...

For years and years I have used a post-it note for my scripture reading and it works great.