Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Amount of Books I Start Compared to the Amount of Books I Read

Just about every week I check out 5 books from the library.  I start all of them, but of the five I generally am only able to finish 2 or 3.  I am a lot pickier than I used to be about what I read.  If, at any point, I begin to wonder why I'm bothering to read it, I'll put the book down.  So keep that in mind when it doesn't seem like I'm reading a whole lot of books.  I'm READING a lot, but only FINISHING a few.  And, of course, I only review the ones I finish.

1 comment:

Grandma Bailey said...

I used to feel obligated to finish a book I started. I don't know why. It took me a long time to figure out that life was too short to read a book I didn't want to read. I am glad you found that out early. However so far, I check out 5 books a week and I read all 5. But I order my books online so I know I want to read them. Occasionally as I am browsing through the library I don't read the book because it is an impulse checkout not one I have wanted to read.