Friday, July 5, 2013

Great Googly Moogly

Okay, so I use this blog to post about every single book I finish reading. Every. Single. One.

If you're doing the math (or, if you're bad at math, but really perceptive) you'll see that the last time I blogged about a book was in April.


That was the last time I finished a book.

You could say I'm in a bit of a dry spell. I'm reading a book now that looks promising, however. Maybe I'll actually be able to finish this one.

In the meantime, got any good book suggestions?


Grandma Bailey said...

Aunt Marianne told me about Grace Livingston Hill. She is a free author because her books were written at the beginning of the 20th century. She is very black and white in her writing and to be honest she is not that great of an author but her books take a short time to read and "The Mystery of Mary" - the one I started on just made my day. I am also hooked on Chautona Havig's books. Her books just kind of lift you up and make you realize you can do anything.

Heidi Noel said...

Let me think on it. I will get back to you. I have been working on my book and not reading so much, though.