Sunday, September 2, 2012

September Book #1

Book: Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Age-range: 16 and up

I have the flu or something dreadfully similar. I tell you this just in case it has somehow clouded my judgement of this book. I read it pretty much all in one sitting, with small breaks to get more Sprite to try and settle my stomach and trips to the bathroom to throw up. While I was reading it I really liked it. I was swept up in the story, there were a couple of places where I cried a little bit. But after I finished I put it down and my verdict is:


I'm not really sure what's going on or what happened. The first book in this series was a complete and contained story. This one was just a series of events that (I hope) will all be brought to some sort of cohesion in the next book. All in all I'm kind of annoyed.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Now I'm intrigued... There's nothing better than a captivating book when you are sick, though.